The #1 California Marina
and boating resource

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Welcome to
Over one million California Boaters served
Find over 600 California Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Boatyards.



WHAT'S NEW?  The #1 California Marina and boating resource on the Internet is improving!

We are in the process of moving from to our new domain here at For now many of the links to the Marinas will take you to our existing Boat Harbors Locator site.

With the move we will be bringing you more California Marina facility information, California boatyard repair information, new interactive maps, new interactive charts, easier navigation and much more! All from the people that love California boating as much as you do.

Preview the new Northern Coastal Marinas region section which is almost complete here.

We hope you will enjoy our new upcoming features and we truly thank you for making us the #1 California Marina and Boating resource - Where California Boaters go first™.

Best of California Boating

This site will help you to locate California Marinas, Boat Harbors, Boatyards, Marine Resorts and Yacht Clubs. Whether be a cozy 10 slip California Marina to 1000 slip plus Marina with all the amenities.

You now have access to all the information about the boat harbor facilities; with local current weather conditions and aerial harbor photos of all the California Marinas. We have added Marina road maps and Marine Nautical Charts to guide you to the right Marina to begin your California boating adventure.

Please enjoy and tell your boating friends.

Click on an area of interest on the map below, use the menu on the left or find it fast with our search engine.
Sacramento Delta Sacramento Delta Northern Coastal Harbors Northern Coastal San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area Lake Tahoe Lake Tahoe Southern Coastal Southern Coastal Los Angeles Area Los Angeles San Diego Bay Area San Diego Bay Area California Lakes and Rivers California Lakes and Rivers Colorado River Area Marinas Colorado River Area California Marina Map

California Boating Links is updated daily. Last update:





Complete California Marina Harbor Facility Information

You have full access to much more than just a California Marina Link.  Get full information about the Marina. What body of water it's located on, average Marina water depth. If a Marine radio is used by the harbor. What type of guest facilities are available - guest dock or guest slips. If dockside electric or water is available. If a pump out station is nearby. What type of boat fuel is available to you. If there is a Marina harbor restaurant, grocery store or even a laundromat nearby.

If that isn't enough you have full access to aerial photos of most California Marinas, in this way you will know what to expect. You also have access to real time Marina Weather. And now we are adding Marina road maps and Marina harbor nautical marine charts to help you locate the Marina by car or by boat.

More California Boating Resources

This California Marina website provides you with important California Boating resources. You have access to California Marine Weather forecasts, California Coastal Wave Pattern data, California drawbridge information, California tide tables, California Lake levels.  Have access to the resources of the California Department of Boating and Waterways and the California Department of Fish and Game. You can access important boating information from the U S Coast Guard; USCG Navigational Center and Homeland Security. Get the most up to date boating navigational information from the Local Notice to Mariners. Find out where the California waterway security zones are located. You can even download a Float Plan for your next boating adventure and find out where California Marine Sanctuaries are.

This is truly a one stop California Boating site.  Please enjoy! and tell your boating friends.

Boating Links to California Marinas, Yacht Clubs & BoatYards